Our competitive edge lays in our reliable and proven ability to respond quickly and effectively to the constantly changing demands in the Human Capital Management arena.

If we understand the circumstances within the company, we can strive for progress in the future. Our aim is to support organizations in managing their human resources and bringing out their potential. For that purpose, we use innovative and research-based HR products, as well as the following consulting services:

  • CORE – Compensation Research
  • Performance Management
  • People and Organizations Well-being surveys
    • Employee Satisfaction Survey
    • Organizational Culture Survey
    • Employee Engagement Survey
  • Organizational design
    • Creating company strategy, vision, and mission
    • Creating a competency model
    • Organizational structure & job descriptions revision
    • Job evaluation & job grading system definition
    • Developing and changing organizational culture
  • HR function development
    • Support in HR strategy development
    • Support in HR project implementation
  • Employees’ competency assessment – Development Centers
  • Outplacement programs

For more information, please visit Tack TMI website.