Team building (teambuilding) is an opportunity for development that we approach extremely responsibly! In a different environment, teams and individuals with us have the opportunity to look at their special features in a quality way, including their receptors for team potential, promote humor and feel the benefits of team thinking.

Our experience and expertise help us create team building where team members are encouraged to take the initiative with a strong sense of belonging.

We want to encourage the change and development of teams by achieving the following steps:

  1. Creating an accurate picture of the desired outcome from the start – it is important that we understand the client’s needs, culture, values ​​, and team goals.
  2. By conducting research and understanding the team members, we successfully combine different types of formal and informal activities and build a program that will meet the specific development needs of the team.
  3. A fully customized program is also reflected in the smart selection of our team to realize the event. From coaches, with extensive experience working on a relevant topic, through associates from different life fields to animators.
  4. We can provide flexibility and the best conditions for our clients. With over 10 years of experience in team building, we have built long-term professional relationships with many hotels and workplaces in the region and Europe.
  5. We believe in the principle of the prolonged effect of time and resources invested, as well as personal and team development and learning. For this reason, we support teams after team-building with various initiatives and additional stimulation for development: video, audio, and text content follow up workshops, coaching, reminders, mobile applications, and smart games.

Our core portfolio includes over 70 different team-building activities, which we further customize: from creative workshops, simulations, adrenaline activities, thought-provoking activities.

We have developed different levels of service for our clients. In accordance with the need, defined goals, and budget, Gi Group has developed the following types of team building (teambuilding) services:

  1. Organization and realization of events: We take responsibility for the entire event and take care of every aspect, from organization and facilitation to transportation, accommodation, and logistics.
  2. We facilitate activities and workshops for team building events, but we are also here to refresh and enhance your annual celebrations, sector meetings, company days, management meetings.
  3. Sometimes for better synergy and compliance, the most acceptable form is where one of the HR company employees, team members, or special Opinion Leader facilitates activities. In such situations, we can provide training for the person on your team as well as the necessary material during the activity.

If you need help with organizing a team building event, or you would like to find out more, please visit Tack TMI website.